How To Know Fake Cindella IV Drip Trio
BEWARE of the fake Cindella IV Drip Trio. We will never sell fake Cindella IV Drip Trio or any products that is fake. There are people sending me images of the Cindella Trio, asking me if I have that one. I am not sure if that is a test question or if they are really inquiring on that version. But we do not supply that other version.
We guarantee that we will not supply the fake version. As of now, the original has its laser sticker designed with the letter D logo. Whereas the fake version has its laser sticker designed with the text "KFDA CERTIFIED". There are also some differences on the design of the boxes. The most distinguish box difference is on the top of the blue box. The 1 red and 2 blue lines in the original Cindella Drip is cut. While on the fake Cindella Drip, those lines are continuous.
Please buy only the original Cindella IV product.
Below is what we supply versus the fake one. (Click the image below for a larger view.)
Check out our video to see the different sides of the boxes of the original Cindella Trio Set.
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